Does my mind in!!!! I would have owned a whole suburb by now. Thislittlehouse - take note of the house prices these guys talk here. I had to put the switches for my ensuite lights, fan and heater in my wardrobe, so we switch things on before we go into the ensuite as inside they were too close to water. I'm surprised they allow electricty and water together like that. Now that would take some living with!!! Kudos to you Kutchie and your wife, although I'm sure, like me, you are focussing on the big picture and the end result. Bobbi, you said the other day about how I cope with the mess of the renos, looking at Kutchie's photos I'm asking myself "what renos". And Boo Mappin is just gorgeous, I would want to cuddle her all day. Just listen to the OLLDS because we all love ya and can see the beautiful person within. I hope you can leave your parents out of it, you don't need any further angst, or to be made feel you aren't worthy, when you have to just tell them you and it broke up - you moved on. They take violence - mental and physical - against women in any form extremely seriously and stalking is now a criminal offence. I'm so glad you can get what we call an AVO - but here the Police are 150% behind the woman.

It is a pyramidal upright grower, and this is deciduous. This is a beautiful tree, with soft green foliage with just a touch of white or lighter green in the center or the sprays of foliage. It is always if you hadn't have or had have done this or that it wouldn't have happened. Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Jack Frost’ Variegated Dawn Redwood Up for bid are seeds of the Variegated Dawn Redwood. It is definitely a mental issue but one where they never see themselves as the problem. Mendi, I am so sorry you are going though all this - why do so many males have the need to be such absolute bullies and conniving, manipulating ones at that. So far I have another 6 bags of linen for the Wildlife people. It has become my latest hobby, and surprisingly BH is 100% behind me tossing everything old and buying anything we need nice and new and starting again. Good afternoon all, V Busy day today, trying to put the house back together again and having a wonderful time tossing. Now they are done, I actually quite enjoyed putting them together although it was time consuming, at lease they came with brilliant instructions. This is the orginal fabric I chose but then decided it might be too busy with any artwork on the walls. The last thing I want to do is to have to find new fabric - I don't think I could even handle thinking about it. While I have the use of the other one I'm not that fussed, just so long as I know for sure they have the fabric under control. I rang the ottoman guy last week and he assured me he has been onto his company about it, the fabric has been ordered so it should be safe. I used to call it champagne, but now I have the beach theme it has become sand - teehee. The new brown bathmat is beside the vanity, if you look hard and the other towels are reflected in the mirror, I have the blue in the handtowel that I have a matching towel and bathmat for but the sand coloured one I have had for a while although it is hardly used. Of course in 32 years I very much doubt I will be here anyway. What worries me is that the old brown was so out there and trendy when I did it in 1980, I just wonder how long it will be before I look at the white and wonder where my head was. I was sort of shaking in my boots posting them. Thank you for viewing my item.Oooh, thank you Bobbi, I can't tell you how much compliments mean from you guys. Each additional pack of seeds ships for just. As always you can save on shipping by buying more than one of my items, so please view my other auctions. You are bidding on 10 seeds of Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Jack Frost’. No matter what these seedlings come out looking like, they should make excellent additions to your rare plant collection, or just make a unique statement in your yard. Being that these seeds were collected from a Variegated foliaged tree, the chances are better for getting some variegated foliaged seedlings, but there is no way to tell what any seedlings will look like until you actually grow them. As with many seeds of special varieties, there is often a large amount of variation in what the seedlings will look like, as you may get some regular Dawn Redwood type plants, or you may get some with different foliage colors or growing habits.

Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Jack Frost’ Variegated Dawn Redwood Up for bid are seeds of the Variegated Dawn Redwood. Item: 361421463648 Metasequoia Jack Frost VARIEGATED DAWN REDWOOD Seeds!. Location: Walterboro, South Carolina, US,